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Selasa, 01 Juni 2010


I will remember June 1st as my lucky day from now on. kenapa?

Kelly Clarkson Retweet me!! how cool was that?!

nggak pada percaya ya? liat niih!

jadi ceritanya siang ini pas lagi jemput adek gue, gue liat si Kelly pertama udah ngetweet seakan dia mau tidur. tapi setelah tweet itu dia masih ngetweet2 laen2 lagi. which is artinya dia belom tidur kan, yaudah iseng gue ngetweet gini:

'stop tweeting Kelly, unlike counting sheep, it's not going to make you sleepy'

terus dibalas loh sodara-sodara! she made the retweet of my tweet the last thing she tweet (lol) before she off to bed! dia bilang:
'agreed! night ..for real this time'

now let me die in happiness :DD

and just for fun, ada yang mau nebak wallpaper gue apa sekarang?

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